Put to Death What is Earthly

"Put to death therefore what is earthly in you..." Colossians 3:5 "Put to death what is earthly": Impossible? "Put to death" in the Greek is "nekroo", to deaden or subdue . It is derived from "nekros", dead, from a word meaning a corpse. In English we describe the decay of living flesh as "necrosis". The Hebrew equivalent is "balah", to fail, wear out or decay . "Earthly" means soil, implying the surface, or world, on which we live . Paul uses "put to death" to introduce a long list of specific sins that a Christian is to "put away", "put off", and "do not" : sexual immorality impurity passion evil desire covetousness (idolatry) anger wrath malice slander obscene talk lying Paul classifies these specific sins under the general category of "earthly", and he says that a Christian is to "put them to death": deaden them, subd...