He Looked Like An Angel
He Looked Like An Angel The wisdom and spiritual power of Stephen upset the preferences and plans of Jewish leaders in Jerusalem. Unable to refute arguments solidly supported by Scripture, the religious rulers set up false witnesses, stirred up public anger and arrested Stephen, charging him with blasphemy and religious rebellion . When the council's anger and self-righteousness had vented itself in a furious storm of words and threats , they paused for breath and stared at Stephen daring him to defend himself: "And gazing at him, all who sat in the council saw that his face was like the face of an angel." Acts 6:15 (ESV) How many angels had these religious rulers seen? What experiences allowed them to compare Stephen's face with that of an angel? Their experience with angels was probably limited to only the descriptions written in their holy Scripture. The final book of the Old Testament, written by one of the last authentic Jewish prophet, Malachi, spe...