Stranded and Forsaken
Stranded and Forsaken Timothy was made a leader of a war, a good war, a war based on the love of God and the lordship of Jesus Christ . His ministry was a part of God's plan, a component of the overall strategy that envisions thousands of churches, millions of Christians filled with the knowledge of God's love, controlled by God's Spirit, displaying the power and mercy of God in Jesus Christ. Spiritual warfare fights for something positive. The battle is not ultimately to defeat evil, but to uphold good, thereby defeating evil. Paul's charge to Timothy began with a call to love , expressed with a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith. Now, at the end of this first chapter, Paul again recalls this over-reaching goal, exhorting Timothy, to hold to faith and a good conscience. Paul had two men specifically in mind when he entrusted this charge to Timothy: "By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith, among whom are Hymenaeus and A...