Paul Tripp: Learn to Accept Reality

Paul Tripp: Learn to Accept Reality From an article posted by Paul Trip: Have you ever been reading the Bible and suddenly you are shocked, embarrassed, or confused by something that you're reading? What shocks you as you read God's Word? I want to look with you at the most shocking place in the entire Bible. Paul Tripp writes about the most shocking place in the entire Bible. I needed this... I think YOU need to read this , so here are some extracts and teasers: God's Grace God's grace is bigger and more powerful than anything that we could ever face, than any of our brokenness and our failures. Modern Christianity tends to deal with brokeness and failure by blurring the memory or comparing ourselves with others. Affirmation without honest self-criticism is like aspirin for cancer. Building self-esteem without recognizing, and exulting in, the depths from which God has rescued us is like reuphols...