God Created
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1) This is the first mention in the Holy Bible of the name of the Creator of everything..God . The Hebrew word used here is 'elohiym, (pronounced el-o-heem'). It is in the plural form, meaning "gods", and it is preceded by a specific article meaning "the", referring to the supreme God. It is derived from a word meaning to twist, implying to be strong . The word for created is bara', meaning to produce, to bring into being from nothing . It was also used to mean cutting down a forest, selecting, or feeding. Taken at face value, these two words suggest a Person, one Creator Who personally brought into existence all matter and substance. These words carry implications of strength, imagination, and purpose . It seems a paradox to combine a word that is in the plural form with the specific article "the". The combination produces a picture of strength (many) joined in uni...