All things Are Good

Based upon Saint Augustine's essay found in "Confessions", Book VII, Chapter XII Things that are not corrupted are supremely good , but even things that are corrupted must be good, else they could not become corrupted. For corruption harms only by diminishing good . Things corrupted are deprived of good. But a thing completely deprived of good would cease to exist. Existence itself is good and is evidence of good. Therefore, whatsoever is, is good . God made all things good , and there is no thing or substance which God did not make. Each by itself is good, and the sum of all of them is very good, for our God made all things very good. That is a condensed version of Augustine's essay. The complete, original version is reproduced below. This idea that all things are good forms part of the grand theme of the sovereignity of God. Those who suppose that evil is a thing, cannot reconcile the holiness of God with His sovereignity in allowing, much less crea...