Worship and Prophecy
Worship and Prophecy Many Christians, as well as the world, believe that the word "prophecy" means only one thing: foretelling the future . Prophecy in our society forms headlines in tabloids and newstands. Palm readers and fortune tellers advertise in newspapers and the internet. Doomsday prophets are discredited every year . But the Bible describes prophecy as a gift of God , meant for the building up, encouragement and consolation of Christians. How can we reconcile the tawdry, false image of prophecy in our society, with the high place of honor in which Scripture places it? Does prophecy always mean foretelling the future? Can prophecy be communicated in ways other than by preaching or speaking? Overview Essential facts about inspired, genuine prophecy : Prophecy is one of four types of inspired communication: Prophecy, Revelation, Knowledge and Teaching. Prophecy can mean to speak OR sing by inspiration. Prophecy communicates truth, whether in pred...