The Attack
The Attack With the conclusion of his defense argument, at the height of his accuser's blood-red rage, Stephen realizes that his time on earth was finished... his immediate future is in heaven . Stephen exclaims aloud the incredible vision of the heavens opened and Jesus standing beside God. Stephen's accusers, the religious rulers of Jerusalem, did not join him in wonder and awe. "But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together at him." Acts 7:57 (ESV) These were grown men, with the power to judge and convict, educated and experienced in dealing with people. Yet in the face of incontrovertible evidence of their own sin, they become like children, worse than children, they become like animals . STOPPED: synecho (to hold together, to compress); from sun (together) and echo (to hold) The enraged religious rulers literally held both hands to their ears to muffle the words of Stephen. His defensive argument and counter-accusa...